Gratitude Given or Received Creates Life


Gratitude gives life to your heart.  Scripture says that from your heart “flows the springs of life”.  A grateful heart gives life and energy to itself and all those around.  Pause for a moment.  How does your heart feel when you express gratitude to God or someone else.  How do you feel when someone else expresses gratitude to you.  If feels like love and hope is being poured into you.  Gratitude given or received creates life.  Ask God daily to give you a grateful heart.  Overwhelming hope and love will will flow from the springs of life as you give and receive gratitude.

Keep your heart with all vigilance,
    for from it flow the springs of life. Proverbs 4:23

Here are some quotes that may inspire you.


If the only prayer you said was thank

I am drawn to happy people that express gratitude.  Most of us are drawn to happy grateful people and we try to run from unhappy complaining people.  Which are you?…. My desire is to be the person that draws people with a grateful heart.  Gratitude is core to how or whether you will enjoy life.

“The very quality of your life, whether you love it or hate it, is based upon how thankful you are toward God. It is one’s attitude that determines whether life unfolds into a place of blessedness or wretchedness. Indeed, looking at the same rose bush, some people complain that the roses have thorns while others rejoice that some thorns come with roses. It all depends on your perspective.” – Francis Frangipane

I have been blessed with amazing grandparents.  They were simple people with an abundance of love.  I can not remember a time when I was with them they were not grateful and kind.  My grandfather would answer the question, “how are you doing?’, with the phrase “just a jumping” and a big smile on his face.  The legacy of his grateful attitude toward life, family and his love for God are with me daily.  Who are the people in your life that model gratitude?

Here are some random quotes and information about gratitude

You Have to Feed Yourself

Developmental Milestone

A big developmental milestone for a child is when they learn to feed themselves.  They learn to hold the bottle or pick up cheerios and eat.  This complex process, that each child learns, is a wonderful celebration for the parents.  Watching your child grow in independence is scary and beautiful.  The interesting thing is we seem to forget that we have to feed ourselves.

Nourish Your Spirit and Soul

As an adult we have to relearn how to feed ourselves.  I am not talking about food for your stomach but food for your mind, soul and spirit.  I think this is a struggle for many people.  We expect someone else to feed or entertain us.  We don’t nourish ourselves we numb ourselves on mindless TV or media – kinda of like fast food for the heart and soul.  We feel full but it is junk. 

Sometimes We Forget

Tozer Quotes

Sometime we forget who we are and who God is.  I have come to realize that the foundation of change is always built on knowing who we are and who God is.  The journey of knowing this is not complete this side of heaven, but I would encourage you to begin that journey and enjoy each step.



The way you talk to your children

the way we talk


“The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice.”― Peggy O’Mara

This quote got me thinking.  What does our children’s inner voice sound like?  What does my inner voice sound like?  My first reaction was to feel discouraged and beat myself up for all the things I had said and done in a negative, selfish or reactive way.  Good indication what my inner voice sounds like.  After I came back down from that negative reaction, trying to not feel defeated and inadequate, I tried to come up with some ways to be proactive. Below are just a few ideas.