

Is it possible to believe something without it producing some action or behavior?

The goal is to do the things which Jesus said to do. It does not make sense to call Jesus “Lord,” and not do what he said – Luke 6:46-49.  My goal is to walk with Christ in a relational way training through grace and mercy.  His word becomes the guide and instruction manual for this journey,  training to be formed into the image of Christ by the Holy Spirit.

Knowing the ‘right answers’ does not mean we believe them. To believe them means to act as though they’re true. Dallas Willard

Grace is the foundation of our faith.  God’s unmerited favor.   “Grace means there is nothing I can do to make God love me more, and nothing I can do to make God love me less.” – Philip Yancey  Our position as a child of God is secure because of this grace.

Believing starts out in our head but has to transfer to our behavior or its not believing.  Don’t confuse acceptance with behavior.  God’s grace and acceptance of us through Christ is a free gift.   That free gift should transform us.  I am not taking about white knuckle forced change.  I am saying change that requires effort that flows from the deep desire of our heart and God’s grace.

Most of what we think we see as the struggle OF faith is really the struggle to act as IF we had faith when in fact we don’t. Dallas Willard



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2 thoughts on “Believing

  1. I kinda think all the actions that take place in our lives come from our beliefs in some shape or form. Especially so, I think, when it comes to our faith. I don’t think we can say that we believe in Christ, but not have it in some way shape our actions in our lives. To love others, to serve others, etc.

    And that is something hard for most folks. Its easy to say, “I want to start walking to get healthy”…it’s much harder to actually get up 30 minutes earlier in the morning and do it! The same with our faith. Its easy to say we believe, but its harder to pray/read everyday and put others 1st.

    • You get it… it is the process of standing on the foundation of grace knowing that grace will empower my effort to grow and serve Him. Thanks John for all you do